Organizational Effectiveness

美 [ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃənl ɪˈfektɪvnəs]英 [ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃənl ɪˈfektɪvnəs]
  • n.组织有效性;编制效能
Organizational EffectivenessOrganizational Effectiveness
  1. The Effect of Virtual Team Learning on Team and Organizational Effectiveness


  2. Linking Error Management Climate to Organizational Effectiveness : An Empirical Evidence


  3. A Research on Organizational Effectiveness : Evaluation , Building and Management


  4. Research on the Employee 's Psychological Contract and Its Organizational Effectiveness


  5. The second chapter discusses the meaning of organizational effectiveness .


  6. The Correlation Study of leadership 、 Communication Satisfaction and College Performance ; organizational effectiveness


  7. Strategic orientation is central to organizational effectiveness and continuing performance improvements .


  8. On the social capital of entrepreneurs and organizational effectiveness


  9. Every factor of organizational effectiveness have lower connection with exterior false harmony ;


  10. Emphasis of the course is on how IT can contribute to organizational effectiveness .


  11. This paper analyzes the factors that can influence organizational effectiveness , and presents a guiding framework based on management process .


  12. Research on the HRM Practice and Organizational Effectiveness of Different HRM Modes in Innovative Private Enterprise


  13. It is widely agreed that innovation plays an important role in enhancing organizational effectiveness and maintaining long term development .


  14. The results showed that virtual team learning orientation and behavior had positive relationship with virtual team effectiveness and organizational effectiveness .


  15. The true harmony has positive connection with every factor of organizational effectiveness , and some are very marked .


  16. The role of two management and , in particular , the chief executive is to provide the dynamic for organizational effectiveness .


  17. Consequently , ritualism can be as damaging to organizational effectiveness as inconsistency .


  18. According as the three layers structure of C2 organization effectiveness measurement , a multiple-resolution model for C2 organizational effectiveness measurement was constructed .


  19. For example , the concept of product falls behind . Marketing strategy is extensive . Marketing information systems are lack . Marketing organizational effectiveness is limited .


  20. ( e ) There were significant correlations between organizational effectiveness on organizational level and organizational , colleague , system honesty of enterprise honesty values .


  21. The benefits of TIS are to improve operation efficiency , to increase organizational effectiveness , to gain competitive advantage and to foster industrial innovation and changes .


  22. Study findings indicate that in companies from emerging markets IT capability is positively related to organizational effectiveness and organizational structure is also positively related to IT capability .


  23. This paper explored the construction of the employee 's psychological contract and the relationship between psychological contract and organizational effectiveness based on the psychological contract inventory in China .


  24. Cameron stressed that the effectiveness of the organization is the core of organization theory , and all the work must be carried out around the organizational effectiveness .


  25. This text also helps readers master the skills necessary for personal and organizational effectiveness such as self-management , communication , teaming , and problem solving .


  26. As a profession , we are busy , averse to conflict , and oriented toward individual autonomy more than toward organizational effectiveness .


  27. Continuing that tradition , Lu describes how modern assessment centers evaluate and develop the knowledge , skills , abilities , and other characteristics needed for organizational effectiveness .


  28. Leadership theory is a theory of studying leadership validity . The organizational effectiveness research of different style leadership is increasingly becoming the focus of scholars at home and abroad .


  29. What Alan says is certainly true , but providing a better infrastructure for software is only part of the big picture ; that is , improving organizational effectiveness .


  30. This paper extends the concept extension of team effectiveness , and organizational effectiveness is incorporated into the concept of effectiveness of R & D team in CoPS .
